How to join?
The condition for membership in IBA Finland ry is that you have passed one of the rides mentioned on the Riding Performance page. All other rides in accordance with the rules of the International Iron Butt Association (IBA) will also be considered.
The inspection fee for the first approved riding performance includes the membership fee for the year of performance.
How to keep your IBA Finland membership valid?
The membership fee is currently 30 € / year. We will send membership fee invoices in January to those who were members the previous year. After paying the membership fee, you will be mailed a new membership card. If you have been riding an IBA ride but have not received a membership letter and would like to be a member, please contact the secretary of the association by e-mail:
Remember to make sure we know your correct contact information! Send an email to the association secretary when your contact information changes. This will ensure that member mails and emails arrive.
You get from an approved ride
In return for the inspection and registration fee, the approved rider will receive:
- Certificate of Merit
- A pin according to riding performance
- Finnish IBA Finland pin
- Member sticker
- License plate base
- Finnish IBA Finland fabric patch
- An entry in IBA Finland`s own performance register and the information is also sent to IBA USA for publication